The X-Files: William (2002)
Season 9, Episode 16
William was a bullfrog...
1 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
William completes the story arc of William being the potential savior of all mankind. Which is fine for me, since I never really cared for this storyline.

Of significance here in the teaser is that a white buffalo is shown on the Wyoming state flag. Also, the adoptive father is carving a white buffalo for William's mobile. This is a nod to season three's 'Paper Clip', where a white buffalo born was a special omen that meant that changes were coming. What a nice, subtle hint of what is to come in this episode.

It is cute to see Scully singing "Joy To The World" to William at the beginning of the episode, inserting William in place of Jeremiah. This is the same song that Scully sings to Mulder in season five's 'Detour'.

David Duchovny directs this episode and does a fine job of it. I especially like his shot of the reflection of Mulder being in Scully's eye when she is talking to the Breather.

Knowing that the Breather is Jeffrey Spender, as revealed at the end of the episode, one thing doesn't seem right. When Spender hits Doggett from behind in the x-files office and then kicks him a couple of times, that is not very Spender-like. During his short stay in the series, Spender was pretty spineless. He doesn't seem capable of such violence. Maybe being experimented upon gave him a little more fight.

Spender tells Scully towards the end that he had no contact with Mulder at all, yet he seems to know some things that I would think he would have to get from Mulder.

The make-up for Spender is very well done. He just looks nasty. Chris Owens plays the part of the Breather/Jeffrey Spender well.

One thing that bugs me about the episode is that Agents Doggett, Reyes, and Scully leave Spender, who at that point they don't know who he is, not once but twice. The first time to run away to get his needle kit, and the second time, in Scully's room alone so he can sneak out and inject William. You would think they would have learned their lesson the first time. That was very irresponsible of them.

At the end of the episode, we see the completed white buffalo mobile made by the adoptive father. William is now a normal child, unable to move the mobile. I like how the white buffalo theme bookends the episode.

William is a touching episode, with Scully realizing that she is unable to completely protect William, thus giving him up for adoption. Having children of my own now, I feel her pain a little more closely. Nevertheless, I think Scully did the right thing for William, giving him a chance at a normal life. Even though I never really cared for the William storyline, I feel that this episode gives the arc a fitting end.
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