A failure.
28 November 2007
The premise of _RtP_ is excellent, but it got into the mud at some point in its development.

Much of the film's failure rests on, yet again, REDUCED CHARACTERS. We watch our Innocent Childlike Victim take the blame for his Aloof Friends comprised of an unfeeling Don Juan and an unfeeling Man With A Future. Desperate (blonde) Victim's Sister and Hungry (black female) Reporter arrive in order to push the plot ahead. All, save Mr. Innocent, are stylishly dressed urbanites. Setting is a Faceless Asian Country Highly Critical of America.

Throw in two absolutely unnecessary sex scenes and far too much will-he-won't-he back-and-forth 'suspense' and we got a movie, baby! (The twist at the ending, too, feels Test Audience Approved.)

Had _RtP_ been done by a daring director, a hard-boiled writer, and more serious actors, what a film this could have been. As it stands, even the dumb mood music gets in the way. Three out of ten for yet another good idea shot to bits.
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