Quiet film that's just under the radar
17 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
WHen Dazed and Confused made it's big splash, you knew there had to be a b level equal. The Stoned age is more then b level material, and is quite funny at the same time.

The story is the familiar two guys looking for fun on a weekend night. There are the several misadventures as they guys meet up with two chicks, who just happened to be eyed up by the competition, the recently paroled Crump.

One of the funniest part of the film belongs to the two straight laced cops who continually follow the two stars around. Both are so straight, they are funny. No matter what the situation, there's the one cop who relates it to his own youth, to show the teens that at heart, he was at one time, one of them.

This is one of the few films that China Kantner has done. She's good looking, despite the efforts to dress her down into more of a tomboy. While Hubbs is after the hot blonde Lainie, Joe is paired with Jill (China Kantner). The uncomfortableness between the two does turn into an attraction. Where Hubbs is just in it for a one night stand, Joe is a little more mature.

When Crump arrives to stake his claim, Hubbs runs form the fight, and Joe does so relunctedly, but does return. Only this time, he's confronted by the chicks father. Joe stands up for the honor of both girls has they are berated by their father. His act impresses Jill, and Hubbs returns to rescue his friend.

The ending was great because by the end, the side kick has stood on his own, and you sense the roles between Hubbs and Joe has changed for the better.

Keep an eye for cameo's by FRankie Valli, Buck Dhrama, and Eric Bloom of the legendary Blue Oyster Cult, (who themselves are a key plot element), Taylor Negron, and in one of his first roles, Jake Busey. Overall, a very enjoyable escapism flick that doesn't fall into formula.
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