Dead Awake (2001)
Stylish dreamy fun
13 November 2007
I was riveted to the screen watching this movie. It has a special ambiance and quirky quality which reminded me of David Lynch's efforts. Granted the plot gets a bit contrived and murky at times, but I didn't feel it detracted from the overall experience. The quality of the cinematography, the playful reeling out of the plot through time-adjusting edits, and the consistency of the actors' characters made it a special film. One commentator called Baldwin's character zombie-like, but that may have missed the mark. The key character is supposed to be exhausted, at the edge of sleep, and befuddled due to his insomnia. Baldwin played it perfectly. There are a lot of really fun moments in this film, and I might note that it includes one of the most sensual screen kisses ever (notably, both actors were fully clothed). If the plot had received a little more fine-tuning, I would have rated the movie even higher.
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