15/Love (2004–2006)
Not What You Expected
13 November 2007
15/love... oh where to start. It truly is not what you expect it to be. The stereotype is: Tennis show; jocks running around in minimal clothing pegging tennis balls at one another, and romances playing everyone hot and cold (including slash and fem slash pairings) But really, it's nothing of the sort. In essence, there is one beautiful character (which there would have to be - face it), and the rest are healthy young adults who take care of their bodies (I bring this up because anorexia is such a huge problem for teens in today's society) Amongst some major plot twists and in the huge themes which are well constructed and played, there are some addictive romances, quirky characters and brilliant dialogue that change your perspective entirely. In what I thought would be a good way to kill half an hour, I found myself in for a ride that would make me laugh, smile, cry and yell, and still make me think about the underlying themes. Truly not what you expect at all
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