Metropolitan (1989)
Pretty good but not great
10 November 2007
This indie film was an art house hit in 1990. Even though I loved (and still love) art house films I avoided this. It looked boring and the plot uninvolving. I finally saw it now 17 years later. I can't say I'm sorry I missed it.

It takes place during a Christmas vacation in New York in the late 1980s. A bunch of rich kids from the east side get together to spend the holidays. Tom (Edward Clements) is a poor west side kid who inadvertently gets invited to their parties. Audrey (Carolyn Farina) becomes attracted to him and he develops a friendship with incredibly cynical Nick (Chris Eigeman). That's about it for plot. This is all talk and the little dramas that happen inside the group.

Movies that are all talk can work. I find "My Dinner with Andre" fascinating as well as "Rope" and "Manhattan". The problem with this is that most of the dialogue is obscure (to put it mildly) and most of the characters come off as annoying or pathetic. Tom and Nick are cold cynical jerks and considering Tom is the main character that is NOT good. Audrey is just pathetic throwing herself at Tom who treats her like dirt. The other men are drunks or obnoxious intellectuals. The women come off far better--they're strong, intelligent and aren't jerks like the other guys.

What does save this are quite a few sharp insights into human behavior and a few well-timed funny lines. Also the acting is good all around--Eigeman especially does a good job (and has gone on to a pretty successful career). So it has its moments but the obnoxious characters and bewildering dialogue are off putting. I give it a 6.
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