Is this title going to be released on DVD?
10 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think this documentary series should be release on DVD, along with Curtis's previous series "The Power of Nightmares". I found them both very interesting, but the ideas are sufficiently convoluted and arcane to require several viewings. Please release them, BBC?

Apparently I have to leave ten lines of text as part of this comment or it does not qualify. So perhaps I can continue by saying that this programme left me feeling quite unsettled - a bit like watching a David Lynch movie - but made more potent because its all probably quite true. I say probably, because one cannot be entirely sure. But it all makes rather a lot of sense, and not to suspect that there are people who spend their lives trying to figure out the perfect system for a stable and obedient society is like saying the military are not working on invisibility techniques, or cloning, or ever more effective bombs. Of course they are.
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