Review of The Net

The Net (1998–1999)
Some cracking episodes let down by continuity.
9 November 2007
This is a work in progress comment so it will be updated after I have completed watching all the episodes. To Start off I was impressed by the Sandra Bullock film version of the Net so I thought I would give the series a go. I liked the opening episode and was particularly impressed when the series Angela Bennett lifted a line from the film Angela Bennett, that is to say "I'm not trying to save the world just myself". I felt that (all future references to Angela will be for the series) Angela was somewhat rushed into her 'they've taken my identity bit" and I'm not sure that the reason this happened is justified. I,m not clear as to why she could not prove her identity seeing as she was speaking to a client via camera link. She could see him so surely he could see her and therefore could vouch as to her identity but I guess it must have been a one way thing so we'll give her the benefit of the doubt. The other issue I have is what kind of series is it? There are two types of TV series. One is that you have the theme and then stand alone stories each week with the occasional two parter. Or two the main theme with story lines that regularly span episodes or things happen that carry for into other episodes. For example in an episode of the Net Angela is given a yellow BMW however by the next episode the car is gone. Then in one episode her tormentor is beaten to within one inch of his life and is taken to hospital but by the next episode he is a right a rain with no mention of his ordeal. However this issue may resolve itself as the series progress. As for me the Net is an undemanding piece of television and Brook Langton is good to look at but I would expect that this is a series whose following would not have been large enough to take it into many seasons. As I said earlier it is a lack of continuity that lets down this show otherwise it is quite good and I will revise my score upwards. So back to the lack of continuity. At the end of one episode Angela's nemesis is hoisted up into the air only to be dropped to the ground seemingly fatally or at the very least severely injured. Yet again like on previous occasions in the next episode he is as right as rain. Then on the plus side there are some cracking episodes like the one where Angela's nemesis in on a plane and all the flight control computers are down. So what does Angela do? Does she fix the computers thereby saving her nemesis's life or leave them and he dies. Good stuff. So i am coming to the end of the episodes and I'm not sure if 'The Net' series is properly concluded and that would be a shame. So my advice to all budding series producers is build in a wrap up clause so if you find that your TV series is going to be cancelled you can at least do a final wrap up episode. The Net for one deserves it. FINAL ADDENDUM. I now see how the director was going to prolong the series and I have to admit that it was a good idea to have Angela clear here name and then be recruited by the government to fight cybercrime. I think that if the producers cut the episodes that followed the film version of The Net to about ten, the series might have gone beyond one season. Sadly it did not because I've grown accustomed to Brooke Langton's face and I like the fact that she sings at the end of some episodes and she can sing.
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