'Ah, Your Sister Drives A Pickle Wagon'
5 November 2007
The sign at the outskirts of the old German town reads: "Ye Town Of Hamlin: population 852, rat population 300,000,000."

However, the headline in the following day's newspaper claims "The Pied Piper" has rid of the city of all its rats. People are celebrating in the streets.....all, that is, but the cats, who are upset at this news. They go to "the Supreem (their spelling) Cat" for help. "The Supreem Cat" looks and sounds a bit like Sylvester with a stronger New York City accent. He has a plan to get the rats back in the city. It's up to the Pied Piper a.k.a. Porky Pig to make sure that doesn't happen (and that he gets paid)..

I enjoyed some of the cat's insults here to Porky, such as, "Ah, your sister smokes corn silk!" and "Ah, your brother eats jelly beans." (Porky scratches his head and says, "Gee, I wonder how he knows so much about my family.")

Porky gets the last laugh, however, over the smug cat with the line you see on the subject head on the review here. Overall, a decent Porky Pig cartoon, made better by the beautiful restoration job someone did for this Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 5 DVD package.
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