Body/Antibody (2007)
Body/Antibody - Interesting Quirky Black Comedy
30 October 2007
I also saw this movie at the Brooklyn Film Festival, with my husband, and we LOVED it. We see a lot of independent movies and like to see films that are a little bit different, so this movie really appealed to us. The plot is clever and interesting, in fact, I think it is one of the most original scripts, but interestingly, also one in which most people can relate to (or if not from New York, at least have heard about!). The twists and turns of the movie keep you guessing to the end - really. When was the last time you saw a really interesting movie, with an intriguing plot?

The acting is superb. The characters again are unusual, you can throw out all of your pre-conceived ideas of femme fatale (apart from the sexy part). The two main characters add to the generally quirky vibe of the film and this is really refreshing.

Basically,this movie is fun, it's a really well made black comedy with a few surprises. Go see it if you get the chance.
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