The Day the World Ended (2001 TV Movie)
I wish I could round up the writers and...
4 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am only giving this movie a 1 out of 10 because I can't give it a minus 10! I am sorry, when it comes to scary movie, I am the BIGGEST chicken ever but this movie didn't even make me go eep! This movie is so horrible. The only reason why I kept watching it was because I was thinking "there is no way this movie can get any worse" but I was wrong! Even after I found out that I was wrong, I kept on watching after that was because I wanted to see how much worse it could get. The story had promise but they did nothing with it! I think a bunch of people just got together and said "people will watch anything. Lets stick Randy Quaid, Natassa in a movie together and just to push it lets stuck a weird looking kid...make that Bobby Edner and name it something really cool!" And why in the hell did they write the same question over and over being said by the same person...

Predictability is the word that comes to mind... this movie is a train-wreck and the people who thought it was a good idea to make it need some serious help.

If I could give you advise its "STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE!" after you watch it you're going to wish the world had ended...
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