1 November 2007
This show dominated the BBC1 early Saturday evening schedule for several years during the 70's and the 80's. Bruce Forsyth was the first presenter and despite those checked jackets he used to wear he did have a very good natural fast wit. He was aided by Anthea Redfern who was the resident eye candy. Larry Grayson took over and it started going downhill (if that was possible) very quickly. It was one gay joke after another and he seemed to say 'Seems like a nice boy' about every male guest who appeared. Less said about Jim Davidson the better ..... However, back to the show - couples from families would try their hand at doing various tasks, everything from making clay pots to taking part in a play. The big problem with this show was that a lot of the couples ended up being openly humiliated on TV purely for entertainment. The eventual winning couple would have a memory test on a conveyor belt and would win what they remembered which always included a cuddly toy and a fondu set. So, where did it all go wrong ? Like 3 2 1 the guests were all either wannabees or hasbeens and as stated earlier the cheap laughs at the contestant's expense. If a show like this was made nowadays you would have couples suing for being humiliated - honestly, we would.
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