By far Maurice Cloche's best film
27 October 2007
A very good biopic about a great man,Saint Vincent de Paul,whose charity,abnegation,generosity and humanity were so huge that Queen Anne d' Autriche used to call him "the kingdom's conscience" Filmed in black and white ,in a style close to early Bresson,the film features many unforgettable scenes : the reunion with the noble ladies who are willing to "do something" but whose world is far from them ,the Poor;the scene on the royal galley where the legend tells that Monsieur Vincent took the place of an exhausted galley slave .

Pierre Fresnay,whose unquestionable faith would turn to bigotry in his late parts ("le Défroqué" "Tant d'Amour Perdu" )finds here his lifetime part.Sometimes it seems that the Saint rose from the dead.

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