The X-Files: Essence (2001)
Season 8, Episode 20
Essence transforming into Existence
22 October 2007
Mulder's time with the x-files is drawing to a close. It all comes to a head as Scully nears her time to give birth. Mulder still has questions about her pregnancy, so he recruits Doggett to go along with him to look for the answers.

In the teaser, we get the titles for the two-parter episodes from Mulder's voice-over, "Essence transforming into Existence". I never noticed that before.

When Mulder arrives at Doggett's house, Doggett is watching NASCAR. I never pegged him for a NASCAR fan. What drives Doggett to go along with Mulder in this episode? He knows that Mulder is trouble with a capital 'T'. Yet he breaks into a private establishment with Mulder and helps him to harass a doctor. With how skeptical he is, I find it very interesting that Doggett continues to go along with Mulder. He must suspect that Mulder is right to a degree. Or maybe it's because Kersh is such a jerk to everyone, that Doggett feels like ticking him off too.

What woman would agree to a medical procedure on a Saturday in an empty office alone with her doctor? Nowadays, I can't imagine any woman doing that.

Billy Miles is now an unstoppable, Terminator-like killing machine. He even gets cheesy Terminator lines to say.

It surprises me that Skinner would order Krycek to stay at the FBI. Why would he allow someone like Krycek to be all alone in FBI headquarters? It doesn't seem like a smart or safe move.

Essence is very exciting with some good action sequences. What brings it down is the new Super Soldier element. It is so confusing. Now Agent Crane is a Super Soldier? When did that happen? If Billy Miles is supposedly trying to kill Scully, why does Agent Crane help them to escape? Aren't these Super Soldiers on the same page? The questions remain unanswered, and so the quality of the episode is diminished. Essence is still a very fun episode to watch and leads us to an equally exciting season finale.
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