Review of Paprika

Paprika (2006)
Sugar and Spice
19 October 2007
I'm still a bit stunned after watching this movie - and that amazingly OTT theme music is running around my head. I'm not much of an Anime fan - I find most of it simply too juvenile. But this is something else entirely - a crazed storyline, like something Phillip K. Dick would have come up with on mescaline...

I won't attempt much of a summary as its entirely possible I've gotten it all wrong, but it involves a dream detective who may (or may not) be an alter ego of a scientist involved in a machine to read dreams, a detective who may (or may not) have had some involvement a murder he is investigating, a wheelchair bound CEO who..... oh, nevermind, this is pointless! Suffice to say from the very first scene there is a stunning overload of images and overlapping stories, and its difficult to know if even the director had a clear idea of what he was saying. But its never, for one moment boring, and i strongly suspect there are multiple deeper meanings going on here, this is a movie that will stand up to multiple viewings to try to decode all the sub plots and metaphors.

Even if you are not a fan of anime, if you just like dazzling film making that will stretch your imagination - Paprika is for you (and no, i have no idea why she is called Paprika).
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