Around the world in hostels
17 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is about a young man, originally from Rhode Island, but at the start of a successful career in New York, working as a producer for HBO. Wondering aloud whether he can settle down with a wife, kids, and a mortgage, he decides to give it all up for an around-the-world adventure. His friends are suspicious of his trip.

Brook Silva-Braga takes off for 50 weeks as a backpacker to visit 26 countries. He stays almost exclusively in hostels. Along the way, he meets fellow backpackers from around the world, romances young women, and discovers a new world of hostels. Packing a mere 5 pounds of clothes but 30 pounds of video equipment, he traverses from the US, to Australia, southeast Asia, India and Nepal, Europe, Brazil, and Argentina.

In the film, Braga-Silva discovers a hidden world of budget travel, friendly "Canadians" who were born south of Toronto, and romance in strange places. He is guided through Nepal and mugged in Brazil. At the end, he finds friends and a new way of living.

This is a wonderful film. It was featured in several film festivals and on MTV. Braga-Silva will be the keynote speaker at the Hostelling International - USA 's national convention in November 2007.
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