An Opinion
17 October 2007
I believe this film gains value in a second and third watching. As mentioned in the comment below at times you can not see the ball, other players, or some other part of the action; however I find that if you are familiar with playing the sport the feeling the movie can give is at times frighteningly close to what can be experienced in a competitive game.

The sound is incredible throughout.

There are attempts made with the cinematography that seem a bit foolish and feel like a digression from what I have taken so far to be the point or theme or just main idea that it leaves me with- a small glance at one of sport's most prodigious talents as himself in his element. If you are a Zidane fan, I would highly suggest this movie. Whether you find it to be a blemish on the face of modern art or a work of genius it will only re-affirm your love for his footballing talents.

I also think that this movie will never be released in the US because the general public does not possess the general knowledge of football or the interest for it to be a fiscally sound idea. So to all the yanks interested in this movie plan a trip across the pond, pick it up and try to go see a real match!
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