Moonlight (2007– )
14 October 2007
I really, really, really love this show. It is completely awesome, and it gets better with each week. I can't exactly tell you why the show is so incredibly addictive, just that it is for some reason. It's nothing like Buffy or Angel just in case you were curious, and if you've watched the first episode and thought that, you definitely need to watch the next episodes.

The great thing about Moonlight is that it gets better with every episode. Episode 1 was good, not great. It was really slow to start with, and I must admit I had my doubts about the actors. The biggest problem I've had were the lines. The script is probably my biggest,really only, problem with the show. It's got a few corny or unbelievable lines. Still it has some really cute and surprising ones too (especially in episode 3).

Anyway in every episode the stories get better, and it gets more action-packed and interesting. The actors have gotten a lot better too. Sophia Myles is great, as is her character, Beth Turner. Beth is so much stronger and interesting than I would have thought. She's definitely not weak. Well except when it comes to Mick probably. Who can blame her though? Alex O' Loughlin(sp?) is mesmerizing as the sexy vampire Mick St. John. Alex has those perfect eyes and a voice that could make any girl melt. Luckily though, he also is a really good actor that has done an amazing job with the part. I don't think any other guy could have done it better than him. I absolutely love him!

OK now that I've probably bored you to death, let me conclude. Moonlight is an amazing and totally addictive show. It has good stories, good actors, and is just plain good. It also gets better with every week. So if you didn't quite like the first episode I would definitely give it another try. Just be careful not to get too addicted because Moonlight always leaves you wanting more and a week is sometimes way too long to wait.
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