There's a reason this film is obscure.
12 October 2007
That reason is that it is just not worth watching.

Put aside the shock value of the mock-documentary beginning and set aside the disturbing idea of children killing people with big innocent smiles on their face. What have you left, unfortunately, is nothing of substance.

The background of the movie is easily summed up as follows: a couple travels to an island the husband knew to be peaceful and beautiful, only to find it's currently having...issues. It all goes downhill from there.

Despite the murderous intent, the dead bodies piling up, and all the many things one would be disturbed by at this point, the husband insists on leaving his pregnant wife alone, in the open, for long periods of time. He, on the other hand, takes the time to do some exploring, but only after stopping to lie to his wife in effort to justify staying, and also to grab a quick drink. Feh...

Unrealistic and unbelievable garbàge masquerading as a 'cult classic' when all it really bothers to be is classically corny.

There are better movies to watch, I recommend you stick to them.
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