Pushing Daisies (2007–2009)
Not that original
6 October 2007
For a TV show it is Original, I guess. But it's not an original concept at all. It is a complete homage to the french movie Amélie. In fact, the music in the first episode when we first meet the Aunts, is also used in the movie...I think. Anyway, I'll give this show a chance, but what bothers me about it is that it does feel like someone trying to tell a story using someone else's style. Watch Amélie and you'll see what I mean. Not that the show is bad, but it just feels like the action is there to serve the style rather, so it doesn't feel as natural. It's like to a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. So it's almost like a writing exercise. Write a one hour TV show in the style of Amelie. That's a little bit how it feels like, so it seems a little contrived. But it's only a pilot, so they may find their own voice as the series progresses.
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