Review of Bait

The Unit: Bait (2006)
Season 2, Episode 10
Not That Clever, But Still Entertaining
6 October 2007
Jonas is about two seconds away from having his neck slit open by some Russians but talks his way into being "bait," which he then becomes. Col. Ryan, of course, doesn't want to lose his top man but Washington doesn't want to give up the evil guy they have in custody. Thus, The Unit goes to work: Bob and Mack, a two-man crew headed a long way off to save their comrade and, it turns out, provide someone else in the prisoner exchange.

On the home front, we get a lot more about the recent incident in which Tiffy Gerhardt is taking the blame for a bad accident. The person in trouble should be Charlotte Ryan, but she's too immoral to take the blame and see her husband's career go down the tubes as well. She suggests a top-flight lawyer friend would do better than whom Mrs. Gerhardt has now and we see what happens when you get a high-powered attorney.

The prisoner story with Blane and his boss Col. Ryan trying everything (mainly just shouting at a couple of pols off and on for 30 minutes) to get him back is the bulk of the story. It's not as good as it should have been, because there is too much repetition. Poor Jonas keeps getting abuse and Col. Ryan keeps yelling. Usually this show is pretty realistic but this one had a number of holes to it, including the most obvious being Blane who was tortured quite a bit but seemed to move around just fine when he wanted to. There is no way he could have moved so freely given the physical abuse he suffered.

The other "surprise" was no surprise - you could see it coming a mile away.

Overall, this was still entertaining, but not one of the smarter episodes.
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