Darling (1965)
Darling Just Darling
5 October 2007
I first saw this film when I was a teenager and it made a big impact on me, and I'm happy to report that after 40 some odd years the film stills holds up and entertains one very well indeed. Of course at the center is the beautiful Julie Christie who is in every scene. The story is about a beautiful but basically empty young woman and the shallow life she lives in mod London of the 60's. The film is a bit dated and some of the points that Schlesinger makes are sometimes labored, heavy handed and overdone ie the charity ball, the orgy like party in Paris, but these are small qualms. The film has a terrific performance by Bogarde and Christie was the best choice for an Oscar that year. The people on this list who harp about her not deserving an Oscar and that Julie Andrews was robbed because she didn't win for the soppy unwatchable Sound Of Music do not know what they are talking about. It was bad enough that they gave Andrews an Oscar for Mary Poppins the year before. And besides the Oscars rarely give the award to the "best" performance or film of the year anyway. Just take a look at what and who has won in the last few years. Crash Julia Roberts, Gweneth Palthrow, Gladitor I could go on and on.
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