Review of Avatar

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Avatar (2007)
Season 9, Episode 2
Without question, the worst SVU ever!
3 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A nice, polite man violently rapes his girlfriend's sister, but charges can't be filed because everyone automatically takes the perpetrator's word for the fact that he was asleep when he committed the crime. On the same evening, the victim's sister and sleeping rapist's girlfriend is kidnapped from her bed by a stalker who was obsessed with a virtual S & M hooker that the woman created, in a fantasy, cyber world. In the meantime, said internet stalker and virtual obsessee has been keeping another woman captive for twenty five years, even though he hasn't visited her or checked on her in that long. Said captured woman has been keeping herself alive by going to work in a local store, then returning to her place of captivity, even though her captor, who she's hopelessly in love with, hasn't been by in twenty five years. And yes, it gets even worse than this.

For credibility, you're better off watching an Ed Wood film, or a segment of THE AMBIGUOUSLY GAY DUO. If this is the season we have to look forward to, it might be time to pack it in.
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