The Stupid 'Nutty Professor'
26 September 2007
With all the obscenities and vulgarities not unexpected from a Eddie Murphy movie, this version of 'The Nutty Professor' insults its audience with a flurry of stupid jokes and cheap shots. I do not know why they even chose to do a re-make of the great Lewis movie of 1963. It is devoid of any sympathetic characters, clever writing, good acting, and human sentiment. Save your hard earned dollars and watch the 1963 version instead. It is sad that they had to make this trash to satisfy modern audiences. With the original version, Mr. Love's character was so suave and cool, and the professor character was a great counterbalance to his 'other side'. Here, Murphy's character has no redeeming qualities to evoke any sympathy from us; with so many potty scenes and dialogue throughout, no wonder.
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