Split Second (1992)
A Cross Between Blade Runner and Waterworld, But Bad
25 September 2007
In the future, global warming has caused ocean levels to rise. This makes London a particular wet place during high tide. Harley Stone (Rutger Hauer) is a detective living off of caffeine, nicotine and chocolate. He does things his own way -- violently (not unlike Stallone's "Cobra"). So what happens when the man or beast responsible for killing his partner returns to kill again, and Stone sense some sort of psychic connection?

The most important thing to know about this film is that it's not as cool as it sounds. Big man with a gun in a dystopian English future, fighting a man-beast that can rip hearts from chests. Sounds good. But it's actually rather lame. Hauer can't act or deliver lines worth a darn. The monster makes little or no sense. And the weirdest thing is that after the opening makes a big point of establishing the effects of global warming, I don't think the rising waters really played any part in the film.

Kim Cattrall's character (Michelle, Stone's girlfriend) is very odd and very out of place. She seems to just be in this movie so there can be a woman in the shower at some point. So, if you're looking for Cattrall's breasts, this is your film. Other than that, her role doesn't really have a place and there's something dreadfully wrong with her hair. Sure, this was filmed in 1992 and hair was different, but this hair is just bad.

I liked the detective who accompanies Stone (I think his name is Dick Durbin, or something). He was weak but funny in a very subtle way. The most memorable part of the film for me has Durbin getting blown out of a window by gunfire. I don't know why, but this just really sunk in for me. It was pretty intense, and yet somehow pretty funny.

If you like "Blade Runner", "Waterworld" and "Predator" (all of which are great movies) and want to see one that's not half as good and really cheesy, check out "Split Second". I still haven't figured out why it's called that, but I can tell you all your expectations are going to be missed. Unless, of course, your standards for quality film are even lower than mine.
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