Orson & Olivia (1994– )
Well for the child I was back then, I liked it
23 September 2007
I thought I'd put a comment on here because the page is so empty and neglected. Back many years ago when I was but a primary school student, I was interested in watching the children's cartoons on the local public broadcasting network, certain shows are remembered because they entertained and was enjoyable, "the animals of farthing woods" "speed racer" "samurai pizza cats" some show about these children who were trying to find their parents and it was based in china, then also there was Orson & Olivia.

Orson & Olivia was about 2 orphan children who lived on the waterfront during around the 1950's.

As you can tell after 14yrs I can't really remember much details about the show and all this is just padding because it requires 10 lines, so I'll ask for help on that unknown name cartoon. The two children a boy and a girl spend all their time together and are believed to be brother and sister, twins at that. In the end (it only ran for like 1 season) the children find their parents and discover that they aren't brother and sister, in fact not related and their parents want to split them up and take them off to their separate homes, but the children don't want to be separated so choose instead to run away together. You can tell which show had the greater impact on me.
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