One of the best WWII American propaganda films
22 September 2007
The term 'propaganda' has generally taken on a very negative connotation, though propaganda can be a very good thing--such as in the case of EDGE OF DARKNESS. Here is a film that did an excellent job of rallying the audience for the war effort against the Nazis. The emotional impact is great--mostly due to exceptional writing, production values and a nice ensemble cast. I'm sure when audiences left the theaters, they often were energized and it gave them a sense that "we're all in this together".

Errol Flynn is cast in the lead as a Norwegian patriot who is slowly and very covertly trying to plan for a rebellion against their Nazi overlords. Interestingly, while Flynn and the rest do not sport Norwegian accents, the film (and in particular, Flynn's performance) is generally understated. This helped make the film seem more realistic and heightened the emotional impact.

In addition to Flynn, the film also stars Ann Sheridan, Walter Huston and Ruth Gordon. However, unlike most Warner Brothers films of the day, the usual cast of supporting actors (Allen Jenkins, Frank McHugh, Alan Hale and the rest) are absent. This was a good decision, as the usual "comic relief" style of support is --replaced with a gritty yet believable group of actors.

What I also liked about the film was that while the Nazis were very brutal and evil, they were not quite so over-the-top as they were in many propaganda films of the day. Yes, they murdered and even raped, but the whole thing was handled more realistically than many films--the Germans were not parodied or ridiculous--making them all the more scary.

The film ends with a terrific final confrontation scene between the Norwegians and the Nazis. It was very deftly filmed and was super-exciting.

All in all, this is one terrific film--mostly due to realism and excellent performances all around--from direction to sets to writing to acting to cinematography. A real stand out among the crowded pack of American WWII films.
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