Review of Minotaur

Minotaur (2006)
Minotaur - never ever again
20 September 2007
Minotaur - the word itself explains most of the entire movie.

As it happened, my girlfriend bought the DVD-release at a local rental-store (used DVD), and thought it would be a good one. Sure, it has a good looking cover-art, and a nice fancy title/logo, but the rest just lacks content.

The introduction and start of the movie makes it feel like at least a partly good one, though during its continuation, it clearly shines through as what it really is: A piece of utter wasted time and money.

Do not buy or watch this movie, it's so bad you sit there thinking if you should have done the dishes or mopped the floor instead - as that would really give more excitement than this flop.

To sum it up: if one could give a movie a dice-throw instead of the 1-10 rating, I would not even have thrown the dice.

Oh, good thing about the DVD-buy on our side: We got a spare DVD-cover for something else - a bit expensive perhaps...
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