Fata Morgana (2007)
Built on sand
17 September 2007
This isn't the first time and it won't be the last that I pick a movie for its pretty lead, so why not get used to it? Having said that, with Marie Zielcke, it isn't at all easy to say whether she is a talented actress or just a pretty face with an attitude. Is she like Milla Jovovich, who isn't just devastatingly beautiful, but also a natural performer, a fashion designer, an accomplished singer, and a gifted songwriter? Or is she more like Keira Knightley, noticed because of her good looks, famous for being famous, but not really good at anything? I'm partial. I like her. Ever since her big-screen debut in Oscar Roehler's "Silvester Countdown", she's been on my "must see" list. Mind you, "Fata Morgana" itself won't make the list. A twenty-something big-city couple vacations in the desert and is taken for a ride by a mysterious stranger. Under the sand, they find jealousy and fear. "29 Palms" meets "And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen", minus the sex and the music. Some panoramic sandscapes though.
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