Madhouse (1974)
A big step down compared to other 1970s Vincent Price horror films
15 September 2007
This is one of the worst films Vincent Price did in the 1970s--mostly because it is so heavily padded with old clips from other American International Price horror films (mostly the Roger Corman ones). While at times showing a few short clips might have been appropriate to establish that the character Price played was a horror actor who had a long string of films behind him, the clips played too long and just seemed like filler. As a result, the rest of the film seemed rather weak--especially since the main story seemed like a rehash of elements from the Dr. Phibes films and THEATER OF BLOOD. There was certainly nothing particularly new here--just a by the numbers film.

Now this isn't to say the movie is particularly bad or unwatchable--it isn't. But if you're looking for something new or special, then forget this one. Instead, I recommend you try any one of dozens of other horror films Price made--they're almost all better and more interesting--even if this film also includes the talents of the Hammer Films star, Peter Cushing as well as Price.
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