Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007 Video)
Trash can, anyone?
9 September 2007
Holy cow, this is pathetic.

And what sucks even more is that this film got lots of 10/10 ratings from hordes of teens which shows how bloody retarded modern kids are.

OK, in brief: It's a teen movie. Cheap. Childish. Stupid. Not fun as old school cheap B-movies. Internet-ish. Lame.

If you're 10-12 years old, you may find some sense in the script. Yes, the first Wrong Turn was pretty lame but still relatively watchable. It had suspense, it had some old-school B moments in it.

But hey, this second piece is beyond your worst expextations. I fell asleep several times while watching it and I owe it to my girlfriend's laughter that I woke up for the final moments and actually saw the ending.

A piece of trash for sure and definitely NOT the kind of enjoyable trash B-movie we all expected from this one.
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