This comment will be unpopular -- Sorry, ladies
6 September 2007
I know that my review of this movie is not going to be popular, but if every comment on IMDb was glowing, they wouldn't be worth much.

This movie is well made, well acted, and well directed. I'm NOT saying this is a bad movie at all. I give it 3 of 10 stars based on my enjoyment of the film, not based on its worth to others. Titanic was the most successful movie of all time, but I gave it a 4 based on my personal enjoyment of it. The problem I had with both films was/is, they are films for women. Nothing wrong with films for women, mind you, but let's call them for what they are, Chick Flicks. You can't expect me to like Fried Green Tomatoes either. It's a movie made for women, and men sitting there with a beer on a Saturday afternoon are not going to enjoy it. It's like those movies that run on the Lifetime channel, with names like "Not With My Daughter You Don't" and "All Men Are Filthy Stupid Pigs." Guys just aren't going to enjoy that stuff.

Journey for Margaret was one gigantic tug at the heartstrings, and I hate having those yanked. It always makes me uncomfortable. I'm not beyond emotion, in small doses. I loved It's a Wonderful Life, for instance, but the deep emotion of that film was broken up by humor, so I could handle it. Journey for Margaret is one long cry-fest, with gooey sentiment dripping on your shoes the whole way through. Women love to cry, so that works out fine for them, but men do not. Throughout this film I found myself saying, "Oh great, the pretty little girl is crying again." And I like Margaret O'Brien. She just about carried off The Canterville Ghost single-handedly.

So, ladies, enjoy the film. Guys, if you're reading these reviews because this movie is coming up in half an hour, find something, anything else to watch. "Oh look, that Star Trek episode where Kirk fights the Gorn is on!"
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