WTF were they thinking?
24 August 2007
WTF were the people that made Half Hour News Hour thinking? This is probably one of the worst parody / satire programs I have ever seen. Though it is hard to do, this may have been even worse than Saturday Night Live. Talk about attempting to get off the ground, and then smacking your face on the pavement. Not to mention the fact that Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh were on this god forsaken piece of crap. Not to mention what a disappointment this is coming from some of the writers of 24. First off, every joke used was either absolutely lame, or was probably stolen from somewhere. For example, they made Barrack Obama magazine "BO." Could anybody over the age of 5 even laugh at that? I also have to laugh at the fact that this show claimed to go after the Liberal media, yet failed so dearly. That was the main problem I had with Half Hour News Hour. It didn't serve any niche or purpose. It was just there to 'counteract' other shows, which it even openly admitted in advertising. This is the true definition of a bomb.

Not funny.
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