Elvis and Me (1988 TV Movie)
This movie is a sham!
24 August 2007
There is no proof to back up the mean events that it claims Elvis did. But there are 100s of things that prove Elvis was a kind generous man. I have not read the book, but its obvious that this movie could not be made without Priscilla's permission. She should be held accountable for bashing the memory of Elvis. The fact she would allow this movie to be made shows what kind of a person she is. A female dog. She'd be no one had it not been for Elvis. She just needed something to make money and used this. Seem's to me that allowing this movie to be made, she sold-out. Elvis must not have been important to her no matter what is in her book... allowing this movie to be made shows her true feelings. Every interview with Elvis friends, and workers tell of a kind man who would give the shirt off his back to anyone who needed it. Not a monster like this movie makes him out to be. A true Elvis fan would not claim this movie to be great. Its fictional trash.
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