Allein (2004)
Even cuties get the blues
15 August 2007
Would I have enjoyed the movie if not for the lovely Lavinia Wilson? Would I even have gone out to see it in the first place? It's a good acid test of any movie's inherent qualities, especially of the script. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to say that a pretty lead isn't a good reason to see a movie. It's as good a reason as any. People do it all the time, and girls too. Entire careers were built on this. Think Rudolph Valentino, Omar Sharif, Richard Gere. Would any couple sit through, say, "The English Patient", if not for Ralph Fiennes (for her) and Juliette Binoche (for him)? Would anybody but the most serious gaming geeks watch "Tomb Raider" minus Angelina Jolie or "Resident Evil" without Milla Jovovich? Hardly. So would I? Probably not. I mean, it's not a bad story. Maria (Lavinia Wilson) is a very troubled girl. She keeps driving the nice guys away and ends up with the one guy who's bad for her. Wolfgang (Richy Müller) takes advantage of her vulnerability, buying her drinks and clothes in return. It's a rotten deal. You walk away from "Allein" without a doubt that life's a bitch.
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