Columbo: Double Exposure (1973)
Season 3, Episode 4
Above average entry.
19 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the one in which Robert Culp is a murderous motivational research scientist who uses subliminal cuts in an advertising film to lure his victim, Robert Middleton, out into the lobby of the screening room. It's pretty good too. Culp is a cool, thoroughly organized killer. He's more amused by Columbo's antics than irritated by them -- except when they screw up his golf game.

And it has two truly likable supporting players: Chuck McCann and Louise Latham. McCann is intrinsically funny. There's something about his clown-like smile and the blubber that surrounds it that evokes smiles in his audience. He had a children's TV show in New York that was so outrageous that, even as an adult, I caught it whenever I could.

Louise Latham will be immediately recognizable. She's not at all unattractive although her eyes almost meet each other, separated only by the thin bridge of her nose. As an actress, she's hard to beat. Her range is from mean and Southern to vulnerable and appealing, as she is here.

I hope no one takes this subliminal motivation business too seriously. The impact is debatable but no one has claimed it can be used in a conspiracy to corrupt the population or get everyone to rush out and buy Nokia. I used a tachistoscope in some studies at Cornell and the results were minimal -- probably real for some people, but not very important. If you want to change someone's attitudes towards things or thoughts, there are more efficient ways of doing it.
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