Archangel (2005 TV Movie)
Search for log buried notebook with Stalin's secrets is taut fun until the secret is revealed and found to be less then thrilling
18 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Daniel Craig stars as a history professor specializing in the fall of communism in the former Soviet Union. A (not so) chance encounter on the street sets him off and running on the trail of a long buried secret concerning the death and legacy of Josef Stalin. Its a secret that many would kill for so Craig quickly finds himself in the middle of a hornets nest of well armed men.

This was a multi-part TV movie based on a novel by Robert Harris which was trimmed slightly for DVD. As it stands now this is a good but still long winded telling of an okay mystery story. The problem for me was that once the secret is revealed (around the half way point) the film kind of has no where to go. Granted where it does go is logical but its neither as earth shaking nor as unexpected as one really needs with the build up it gets. Don't get me wrong as espionage thrillers go this is actually pretty good, especially in the first half, but in the end the story doesn't add up to very much.

Worth a look on a rainy Sunday, but not worth searching out
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