Idiocracy (2006)
Despite the crudeness and stupidity, it's an amazingly insightful film
14 August 2007
I loved this film and it's obvious I am in the minority. This film was marketed in only six cities and it bombed--going almost straight to DVD after its eventual release. I assume much of the reason it failed is that although the film appears stupid and crude (after all, it was created by the same guy who made BEVIS AND BUTTHEAD), but the central message was actually pretty deep and the audience didn't fully appreciate its depth.

I think much of the reason I loved it so much is that the basic premise is one I have talked to my friends about for years--how on this planet, the dumbest and worst elements of the gene pool are out-breeding the smart folks. Taking this premise to an extreme, and you've got a future like you see in IDIOCRACY--where in the 26th century, idiots run rampant and there is no longer any sign of intelligent life on Earth! This certainly is not a politically correct reality, but Mike Judge (never one to court political correctness) has the audacity to point out just how stupid we are destined to be. And, in a very, very low-brow way, seeing this future stupid world is funny. I loved the 8-time Oscar winning film the audience was watching in the film, the merchandising of EVERYTHING and the incredibly shallow and awful future this film explores--sort of like a Brave New World for idiocy.

Now despite all the funny scenes (and there are many), there is a strong warning to all--this is a super-crude film and one you probably shouldn't show to your kids, your parents, or anyone you whose self-respect you desire. No, it is chock full of potty humor and foul language but I really do think it is necessary in order to fully illustrate how dumb society is now and how dumb it will be if idiots are allowed to reproduce at will. As long as you have relatively thick skin and can understand that the film is meant as satire, then it's a good bet for anyone....except stupid people.

PS--Please watch the film all the way to the very end--past the credits. You won't be sorry.

PPS--The DVD extras are pretty poor--with a few unfunny deleted scenes and that's all.

PPPS--Some time after I wrote this review, I read through some of the other reviews for this film and was shocked to see how many people didn't understand the joke! Check this out for yourself.
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