Superb 80s vigilante trash classic.
14 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A decade or so after her head-turning performance as a puking, foul-mouthed possessed girl in The Exorcist, Linda Blair's movie career wasn't exactly flourishing. Bad news for Linda, but good news for fans of trashy movies.

With the now chubby actress (reportedly) hooked on drugs, and quality roles a thing of the past, Linda made the inevitable move into the world of exploitation cinema.

After playing an innocent girl banged up in a lesbian hell-hole in the wonderfully sleazy WIP movie Chained Heat, Linda starred in the violent revenge drama Savage Streets, which saw her in one of her finest (ie. Cheesiest) roles of the 80s, as Brenda, the street-smart leader of a gang of high-school girls, who turns vigilante after her deaf/mute sister (played by a young Linnea Quigley) is gang-raped and her best friend is murdered.

With cat-fights in the school showers, tons of gratuitous nudity (even Linda gets her thruppennies out!), a protracted rape scene, bad disco dancing, nasty deaths (and even nastier 80s fashion), awful dialogue, several lame 'Porkys'-style comedy moments, and a rockin' soundtrack by John Farnham, Savage Streets is tacky sleazoid trash of the highest order.

A suitably silly ending sees a big-haired, lip-glossed, leather-catsuited, crossbow-toting Brenda hunting down and killing the gang who diddled her little sister and threw her best bud off a bridge-and then being allowed to walk away scot free by a seemingly uninterested bunch of cops, who arrive on the scene just as our heroine has toasted her final scumbag.

If you enjoy low-budget trash, do yourself a favour and check this one out ASAP.
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