Saints Row (2006 Video Game)
Sure its a grand theft auto copycat but what the hell, ITS FUN!!!!
14 August 2007
I am a big GTA fan. I love everything about Grand theft auto except the graphics. But what i don't like is GTA copycats. They are usually boring, dull, and just trying to make a name for itself. But Saints row is just different. Sure it is very very similar to San andreas but u have to admit, there are some features in the game that are quite original. Here are the pros and cons

Pros: Great map and GTA like experience - Graphics are pretty good - Weapons are just great and realistic - Missions and activities are usually fun - Great voice acting and cast - pretty good storyline - Characters are interesting - Great sound

Cons: Missions get a little too repetitive at times, not much creativity to the mission design - Lots of glitches - No blood or gore to add to the fun - Lacks a good ending
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