I've got to have this!!
8 August 2007
I'm a newbie when it comes to Salsa music. Well not a complete newbie. I've had a decent amount of interest for years now, but not enough to go and purchase an album or go seeking videos and whatnot, but enjoyed listening to it on XM sometimes. Or when in Miami, when I went to Mangos and just let loose, it really comes out then. Actually that last trip to that wonderful place had really sparked my interest. Then after that I went to get my hair done at an African owned salon. The owner was playing Marc Anthonys live at Madison Square Gardens, and that was it. I had to have that music. I went to Walmart not knowing the title and grabbed one CD of his, and something told me to get El Cantante. I love it. I wasn't even aware of the movie coming out when I bought it. Didn't even bother reading to much of the cover just opened it and started jammin. My 8yr old niece noticed it said movie soundtrack, doh! So of course I have to see the movie. I love Jennifer, I love Marc Anthony and I'm a new fan of Hector Lavoe. His performance on this video gives me chills. I get so happy looking at him and Celia perform. The all star band and everything. It feels like home. I wanted to move to Miami right after my last visit, before I got the album. Now I know why. This music, the energy, the culture, it feels like home to me. You can feel it in the air.
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