The best from Nickelodeon so far
1 August 2007
Well, I'm impressed. At first I thought it was just another crappy Nickelodeon show again, but I gave it a show, and I don't regret it even the slightest. I was expecting nothing, since Rocket power was a HUGE disappointment. Man, was I surprised or what? The voice acting is great! The only voice I don't really like is Brad's. He actually sound better in the Swedish dub! Janice Kawaye was a great pick for XJ-9 "Jenny" Wakeman. She is a first class dubber, indeed.

The story isn't that original (not to mention any spoilers). It is well drawn and I really love the animations for all Jenny's transformations. They are vary original. Very smooth animated. Overall, this is absolutely the best show on Nickelodeon at the current. I can't believe they actually canceled it! If you haven't seen it yet; do it! Thank you, Rob Renzsetti for a great classic cartoon! 10/10
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