"Pants" Corrigan springs into action!
13 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You've never really seen a series hero run around in tiny shorts until you've seen "Crash" Corrigan in Atlantean battle garb, I can tell you that for free...

I've seen several of the old Republic serials over the years, and this one is my favorite. It's got plenty of spectacle and just enough "Flash Gordon" appeal to hold up even now. And the dashing hero (with an amazing physique for an actor from that era) has maybe the best nickname ever: "Crash" Corrigan. Seriously, "Crash" Corrigan!! I ask you, how can you not love it?

Another plus: The plot for the series doesn't have the irritating repetition and circularity of some of its rivals: It actually progresses in a linear, well thought out manner and even picks up steam, until all kinds of hell is breaking loose by the last chapter.

It's not perfect, of course. Goofy crap abounds. My favorite gaffe is the cliffhanger ending where Crash and his companions are flying in a plane that is shot down ; the plane spirals in to a crash landing. Usually, the film makers will begin the next segment that by repeating the cliffhanger but including a shot that was left out (ie, they all parachuted out or something.) But in this case, they show the plane crashing violently into the ground with enough force to turn everyone on board into puree...and the next scene, Crash just gets up and dusts himself off and wakes everyone else up (and of course, no one else is hurt.) Apparently, "Crash" is so called because he is immune to crashes. Or the plane just crashed on some very soft rocks.

On the other hand, "Crash" finally defeats the mad tyrant in the final chapter by doing the only logical thing: Jumping in the the "power room" that powers all of Khan's lethal devices and ripping out the wires. And the Navy then proceeds to blow the tyrants "rocket tower" to bits (yeah, it's stock footage, but it's well integrated stock footage). It's one of the most satisfying bits I've ever seen in a Republic serial.

If you can't lay your hands on "Flash Gordon" you might be able to make do with "Crash Corrigan". I wouldn't pay money to see these, but if a collection falls into your hands, you might enjoy it. Or check out the entire serial available for free viewing or download at www.archive.org. (That's where I finally was able to view the last three chapters).
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