Unbelievable and badly acted: A Poor Movie
12 August 2007
I better start this by saying that I am no expert when it comes to the sleaze or exploitation movie genre. I didn't realise there was a specific genre for exploitation until recently but I suppose there would have to be...it's obvious, just me being an idiot. This film, taken on it's own merits with no preconceptions about anything and only the knowledge that it was about a young couple who kill people on a peaceful island, was just what I was looking for. Something a bit like the old Lucio Fulci films I used to love when I was younger. Well this wasn't quite like those. Or it was, but only the ones that were complete trash like the Black Cat Fulci film that is a turkey...like this! I don't want to spoil it for you so I won't be giving any details away but let me just sum up the movie: The acting is painfully baaaad. I know there are a million B-Movies and especially horrors that have acting just like this so I suppose you can expect it and may overlook it. Then to the plot. What plot? Then on to the dialogue. The dialogue?? Is there an actual worked out script or were they told to not say much and if anything came into their heads then just to mutter it and try and look convincing? The dialogue is poor.

There are a couple of scenes that trouble people it seems from reading the boards here; The 'goat sex' scene. The guy does apparently have it away with a goat but I can confirm to you that you do not see this happening and it is not happening for real (at least that is what I believe!). At least the film makers had the sense to use the Hitchcock idea that 'Suggestion is more potent than graphic display' -of certain shocking scenes in film. You still see him...his face..but try not to get too excited! Then he kills the goat by slitting it's throat. Again here the makers spare us the graphic details but what we see is a goat alive, a goat dead, with tomato sauce all over it. There is sex in the movie and the whole movie revolves around jealousy and to a certain extent, sex. Although most men will appreciate the beauty of the various topless shots in this film, overall it fails to be sexy. I don't think it aims to be sexy ALL OF THE TIME but I do think the director wanted to make you like what they were doing in order to shock you later. It failed miserably. When this movie is over you will return here and agree with what I just told you. You will also wish you had gone and watched something else like a good Lucio Fulci movie or something of the B-Movie genre that really grabs you! 2/10
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