Every other review was a fake
11 August 2007
Clearly everyone who reviewed this on IMDb secretly was in this film or they were retarded. Never before have I seen such sorry acting coupled with remedial symbolism. I give this 2 out of 10 only because Angela Little is hot (and unfortunately underused). The writing is sub par at best and the corny jokes emphasize this. Yes, thats right. I said "corny." A term that I haven't uttered since I was 8 or 9 years old as that is what this film deserves. The horrible acting runs rampant throughout this craptastic pseudo-emotional adventure. Clearly writer/ director/star/producer/composer/kindergarten cop/jingler all the way, Kavi Raz is in love with himself as he cheapens what could be good be a great character with a creepy and unnecessary sexual overtone. However his effort is not to be beaten by emotional and comedic dynamo Arsh Singh, who should retire from acting now before he stars in The Gold Bracelet 2: Back in the Habit. Mehr Hassan is a true master of over acting. She is a true triple threat. Bad actress, bad dancer, and I'm sure she does something else bad that we are not exposed to. Ari Barak has easily captured the worst Muslim accent possible, which offended me and I'm a white guy from middle America. Joseph Whipp who plays the potentially racist neighbor who everyone really knows isn't racist is possibly the best actor in this film, until he opens his mouth. He misreads the Bible and pounds malt liquor as if its his job. But alas the greatest part of this film, outside of Kavi Raz oozing sexuality out of every pore, has to be Grade A Superstar Sonny Mandal. His ability to channel Keanu Reeves' acting ability from Johnny Mneumonic is only overshadowed by his inability to grow sideburns. The toupee look mixed with possibly the worst line reading ever conceived is a feast for the eyes and ears. I would recommend seeing this film if you really want good laugh or to see how NOT to make a film. Also this film does have a moral. Be tolerant of all races, yet don't allow your children to date or god forbid marry another race. Then when you die, your son should date a white girl just to spite you.
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