Out of Africa (1985)
The One that got away!
6 August 2007
This was a film that when it came out for some unknown reason I never saw. Over the years it has passed me by many, many times either in people's conversations or midnight wanderings with the remote but always I let it go by. Maybe it was the fact that it won such acclaim and attention and was talked about so much that I thought I knew the film, that I didn't need to see it. There was always another film to see. Well obviously my 'mistake' was rectified as I wouldn't be writing this now. I came home to find my girlfriend watching the very beginning, proceeded to read the day's newspaper but had one eye on the screen. She had seen it a few times and later on tiring went to bed. I'm not sure why this time was different but I continued to watch. Thank god I did. This is a magnificent, intelligent, moving film that on this night of 6th August 2007 means so much more to me than had I seen it in 1985. Of course now I realize why I've been so averse although unconsciously of seeing it. Going through a bloody divorce then not of my own choosing I don't think could have handled as Meryl so brilliantly did the strength that her character had with love and all it's attachment. This is human film that really seeps into your soul and I'm full of admiration for Sidney Pollack's brilliance and for putting together a team of people both in front and behind the camera that have created such a gem. All the Actors were superb with Meryl setting the pace like a long distance runner wanting to cross the line with everyone winning! This is a film with a strong heart!
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