Monk: Mr. Monk Goes to a Rock Concert (2006)
Season 5, Episode 8
Too Much Wasted Time
4 August 2007
This episode was below par, the main reason being they wasted too much time doing nothing instead of working on the case. There was at least 10-12 minutes of the show where all we saw was Monk or Capt. Stottlemyer just wading through crowds of kids at an afternoon rock concert.

The case, a "roadie" being murdered by one of the rock stars who made it look like the victim OD'd, just didn't get enough air time. We also get the typical Hollywood parent-apologizing- to- child-despite-the-fact-the-kid-is-in-the-wrong routine. Since when is tough-guy cop Ted Levine (Stottlemeyer) wimpy? Only here, with his kid, who had skipped school to attend the concert. In TV and movies, parents are shown as bad guys more than good guys and the kids are usually smarter. Well, thankfully, my parents were smarter than me when I was 15 and yours were, too....but not in shows like this.

It's usually fun to see the arrogant killer get caught. That was true here, too, with the singer (who couldn't sing, either) who was shown to have no redeeming qualities as to make it even more satisfying. The problem was that Monk came up with the answers too fast and with no credibility. I mean, the rock star pretends he's the road and the acupuncture lady, who works right nearby, doesn't know the difference? Come on!

Many times these are far-fetched just to get laughs, and I appreciate that, but this was a very weak effort with few laughs and a story that had no believability. Hey, they can't all be winners.
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