Review of Game 6

Game 6 (2005)
Gem of a film
29 July 2007
It is wonderful when a film that may not be the most publicized or promoted proves to be so stellar. Such is the case with this film. The topics of superstition, faith, and hope are not addressed adequately in movies, and by integrating the famous failure of the Boston Red Sox in 1986, this movie is a natural candidate to examine faith and hope. The movie is the story of Nicky Rogan (Michael Keaton in a wonderful quirky performance) whose life is typically complicated. He has a mistress (Bebe Neuwirth in fine form) and his wife (Catherine O'Hara, typically proficient) is dissatisfied with her husband's disinterest in their marriage and he is scared of the poison pen of a scabrous new critic (Robert Downey Jr. typically accomplished as Stephen Schwimmer) who has so haunted a playwright friend that the man (Griffin Dunne, exceptional as Elliott Litvak) has become something of a hermit who looks, for all intents and purposes, like a hobo. Excellent performances really distinguish this film. Keaton is fantastic and chooses his roles (or maybe they're chosen the infrequency of opportunities he has?) so carefully that he is not seen enough. However, his tics and very expressive face add depth and layers to the movie. Dunne is fantastic in portraying an unnerved playwright, and Robert Downey Jr. is typically creative and inspired.

Director Michael Hoffmann elicits fine performances from his performers. He has directed quite competently and somewhat below the radar, directing movies as varied as "Restoration", "Soapdish", and "One Fine Day." He captures Rogan's personal doubts and captures some intangible feelings and ideas very well. Great credit should also go to writer Dom DeLillo who has written a screenplay which considers some very interesting topics.

It is difficult to capture the doubts and insecurities of a playwright in many aspects of his life-personally, professionally, and in the rather murky world of superstitions that often accompany support of sports teams but the combined talents of many have united to make this a very good film.
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