Review of Legend

Legend (1985)
Visually Stunning, But Not Terribly Coherent
19 July 2007
I finally got to see Legend in its entirety from start to finish in one sitting. Previously I had only seen bits and pieces. Sad to say this is a film whose parts are greater than the whole.

Technically it's a stunning masterpiece. I don't think there was a film like this since Paramount took most of it's players in 1933 and put them all in makeup for its version of Alice in Wonderland. In fact the only two in the film who go without any make up because they're the only humans in the film are woodsman Tom Cruise and princess Mia Sara.

Tom looks a little lost in this part. Fantasy certainly is something he never tried again in his career. Probably he was wise not to. Mia Sara comes off a bit like a spoiled Jewish American Princess. If her dad the king was around, she'd have just ordered him to buy her those unicorns.

However the rest of the cast looks like they're having a grand old time. Especially Tim Curry who steals the film. He overacts with relish his role of the Lord of Darkness, he's the main reason to see Legend.

Legend is photographed well and the makeup is in a class by itself. Why it didn't win an Oscar in the only category Legend was nominated in, is beyond me. Still it's a film best consigned to the juvenile audience.
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