I'm No Angel (1933)
"It Ain't The Men In My Life, It's Life In My Men"
18 July 2007
When Mae West selected a young contract player from Paramount named Cary Grant as her leading man, a star was definitely born. But make no mistake about it, this film and She Done Him Wrong are her films and no one else's

In I'm No Angel Mae spends the entire time of the film proving she definitely ain't. Every man in the film is completely captivated by her free and easy sexuality. As this was pre-Code you have to listen hard to the dialog because Mae comes out with a gem every five minutes or so.

Mae's a circus performer here and after her manager Edward Arnold persuades her to stick her head in a lion's mouth, her gate attraction increases with her notoriety. Young millionaire Cary Grant is the last of several in the film captivated by her. She's falling for him to, but Arnold breaks it up for his own reasons.

The end of the film is a breach of promise suit brought by Mae against Cary and when she takes over the cross examination of the witnesses the results are a comedy milestone. Not that her lawyer, Gregory Ratoff, isn't capable enough, but he's rather distracted by her as well. Ratoff's performance in fact is the best one among the supporting cast.

I'm No Angel is arguably Mae West's best film and I'm not one to argue.
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